
Thursday, June 8, 2017

SMARTER Methodology

This is an adaptation of a standard set of critieria used in project management and personal development techniques.  It's a format used when documenting tasks and projects to ensure clarity and optimal approach.

SPECIFIC – clear description of the deliverable/outcome

MEASURABLE – parameters that the task/project will be evaluated by are known

AGREED UPON – the team is aligned around the desired outcome; one individual is ultimately responsible for delivery of each item

REALISTIC – outcome is in alignment with overall goals and is achievable with the time and resources that are available

TIME BOUND – specific end date

EMPOWERING – person responsible for delivery communicates the need its importance; feedback is encouraged to improve processes 

REUSABLE – work is made repeatable through reusable templates and guides (preferable to spend extra time now to setup following instances to be simpler and create more value)

How can you make your team's work SMARTER? :) 

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