Sunday, November 19, 2017

Roll with Change

Change is the one constant in life.  The feeling of being “short-changed” or on the losing end of change can be overwhelming and incredibly painful.  It can bring the intense emotions of disappointment, sadness, and regret.  The changes that can hurt us the most are those that we never expected.  The more love, hope, and energy we invest into something, the harder it hurts to let it go.  Letting go is the only way to deal with changes we can’t control. 

The greatest growth, accomplishment, and achievement often come from changes that seem impossible to overcome.  These challenges bring opportunity.  They create a new foundation to build something better than before.  Listening to feedback from people that care about you and have different perspectives helps to open the mind to new possibilities that may be blocked by fear or limited thinking.  While the entire path ahead may be hard to see, the next step is usually not too hard to figure out.  It’s up to us to open up, be flexible, and keep putting one foot in front of the other.  

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