
Monday, May 28, 2018

Passionate Performance

Highlights from the book by Lee J. Colan

Passionate performance is demonstrated by a strong, sustained intellectual and emotional attachment to one’s work.  It is made visible through enthusiasm and seeing results.  People choose to do more because they have fun.  This happens when a person’s intellectual and emotional needs are fulfilled.

Intellectual needs are fulfilled by engaging the mind and result in high performance.   There are 3 intellectual needs that need to be fulfilled.  When a person regularly experiences achievement, autonomy, and mastery, a self-reinforcing cycle of improvement, growth, and high performance is created.
  1. Achievement Outcome: eliminate barriers to achievement and define crystal clear goals
  2. Autonomy Process: improve the process and establish broad, yet clear boundaries
  3. Mastery Specialty: fit person to position for highest, best use and create a learning environment

Emotional needs are fulfilled by engaging the heart and result in passion.  There are 3 emotional needs that need to be fulfilled.  When a person regularly experiences purpose, intimacy, and appreciation, they form strong relationships that result in amazing results.
  1. Purpose Cause: create a compelling purpose and focus on activities that directly support it 
  2. IntimacyConnection: maintain small teams to build strong relations and create team rituals
  3. Appreciation Recognition: find opportunities to express contributions and to be sincerely interested in each person

Implementation Ideas:
  • Look for opportunities for your team to master key skills
  • Define goals for each person (eliminate the primary barrier to achievement)
  • Find a reason every day to recognize someone on your team
  • Implement a structured selection process to ensure a good fit between each person and position
  • Ask team what changes they can make to be certain we stay focused on our purpose

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