
Sunday, September 16, 2018

Unstoppable: Transforming your mindset to create change, accelerate results, and be the best at what you do

Highlights from the book by Dave Anderson

This book was a great, quick read that left me feeling amped up and empowered to create change.  Here are the key parts I want to remember. 

4 Types of Team Members

1.       Undertakers – Drain value.  Others need to carry their load, clean up their mess, and perform damage control in their wake. 
2.       Caretakers – Baseline participants.  Do just enough to get by, get paid, and go home.
3.       Playmakers – Occasionally create change.  They have more energy and drive but are inconsistent.   
4.       Game Changers – Unstoppable.  Consistently bring effort, energy, attitude, excellence, and passion to the job. 

Everyone can vary between these 4 mindsets, however one will primarily dominate a person’s time, and is therefore reflected in their performance.  Transforming one’s mindset upward is achievable and the main content of this book. 

9 Things it Takes to Become Unstoppable

1.       Decide to think differently.  Stop blaming or making excuses.  Change your behaviors, replace unproductive habits with healthy ones, and get focused on your dreams (and why you want them).
2.       Do the ordinary extraordinarily and consistently well.  Reap the predictable harvest from the consistent seeds of discipline, attention to detail, continual improvement, and extra work over time. 
3.       Add value to the culture.  Even if your level of skill, knowledge, talent, or experience may be less than others, incessantly apply what you do have.  Take relentless approach that is rooted in the right mindset.
4.       Be committed to self-improvement.  Be obsessed with becoming better than your former best.  Every day consider what you can do today knowing it will help you be better tomorrow. 
5.       Err on the side of being personally humble.  By continuing to grow and excel, and being a clutch member of the team, you can inspire and lift others to a higher level of intensity, desire, and performance.  Have a voracious ambition for the team to do well. 
6.       Focus on what you can control.  Have an outlook of never giving up and quitting is not an option.  Stop making excuses for why you don’t do it or complaining if you didn’t get it.  Earn it, deserve it, or go without it. 
7.       Embrace revolution.  Change and risk before you have to so that you can do so from a position of strength rather than having an impaired vision due to desperation.  Have the ability to be in a constant state of evolution and embrace revolution. 
8.       Seek to be coached.  Accept constructive criticism as a compliment.  Let every disappointment become a lesson. 
9.       Give everything you can.  Rather than focusing on quantity of work, do all that is possible to turn out the best work possible.  To aspire to excellence, never accept good enough. 

Becoming a game changer depends on you alone.  It’s a choice you make to focus on what you can control, be more humble, hungry, persistent and focused, and to grow. 

Game Changer Philosophy

Game changers are energized by their goals, the chance to make a difference, the chance to lift a teammate, the chance to move the team forward, and the chance to be better today than they were yesterday. 

·        Focus on choices that you have control over rather than conditions you don’t.  Be driven, hungry, resilient, and stay focused.  When you get off track, get back on ASAP.  Be internally motivated.  Be early and prepared.  Have a set routine.  Push others along rather than being pulled. Focus on behaviors rather than words.  Look within and take ownership.
·        Know your why.  Your WHY gives you purpose, builds resilience, and makes you unstoppable. 
·        Be in the Zone as much as possible.  There is a state of heightened focus that enables peak performance.  We are far more effective when we find it, stay in it, and return to it quickly if we depart.  Recognize your zone busters and shift them with your mindset or by taking action. 
·        Go A.P.E.  Attitude: settled way of thinking/behavior.  Passion: feeling of excitement about doing something. Enthusiasm: intense enjoyment or approval.  These characteristics that start from within are the greatest differentiator in results and speed. 
·        Be mentally tough.  Developing oneself to a game changer status requires persistence, tenacity, focus, resilience, diligence, and the right attitude.  Create your own unstoppable philosophy by setting a standard that you strive to and measure your growth against.
·        Develop a daily mindset discipline.  Process facilitates focus, discipline, and consistency.  Get motivated about what the process will do for you and follow it every time, over time.  Engage in a mindset routine in the morning that motivates you and aligns you with daily priorities. 
·        Set the example.  The power of your example is unfathomable.  Hold yourself to a higher standard of thinking and behaving that is in alignment with living at unstoppable game changer status. 

Commitment Continuum:  resistant, reluctant, existent, compliant, committed, compelled, obsessed

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