A few key behavior changes helped me shift the pattern:
- Communicating where I was at with those closest with me. I tend to keep things inside and try to solve them myself. As I opened up and shared what was going on, the support and advice that I got helped me feel more confident about myself, see past my perspective, and navigate to new solutions that I hadn't considered before.
- Focusing on the solution rather than the challenges. I found that during this period, I tended to focus too much on how things were at that moment and what was wrong. This limited my ability to create the change that was needed. By directing more of my energy toward possibility and innovative approaches, I was able to get past the hurdles that stopped me in the past.
- Prioritizing my well-being. I tried many different methods to find something that made me feel more peaceful each day. The one that really made an impact was meditating. I am now meditating every week day for 10 minutes as part of my morning routine. This helps to calm my mind and start my day from a more grounded place.

Thanks to everyone who supported me and was understanding during the past year. Love you!
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