
Tuesday, December 8, 2020

A Fresh Start

Cleaning up the spaces you frequent can leave you with a deep sense of renewal and a burst of effervescence.  There’s no better time than right now!

Clear Out the OldSimplify and let go of clutter. 

Donate items you haven’t used in a year.  Box and archive old files or shred them.  Keep current files in a central location that is easily accessible and near your workspace. 

“Next to the dog, the wastebasket is your best friend.”
~B.C. Forbes

Create WorkspacesOptimize areas with a specific purpose. 

Keep everything that you need to use daily within arm’s reach.  Put away things that you rarely use.  Invest in new tools and systems where it will save you time and make you feel more organized. 

Reorganize Your DeskCreate a work area that organizes your activities for you.
1.      Clean Inbox.  Everything that comes in goes directly in here to be processed in batches.  Empty it regularly and keep it clean.
2.      Focus Stack.  Keep a stack of items you will focus on this week.  Keep it very small as to reduce clutter and increase speed.
3.      Follow Up Pile.  Keep an area where you can stack things you want to follow up on and/or you need to work on but aren’t going to focus on it this week.  Look through it weekly to review if anything should be prioritized yet.  
4.      Simple Filing.  Create a first file in your filing cabinet ("to file") so that you can quickly put away anything that you’re done with.  Take the time out to file everything in the correct files at least once per year.  If you find you are hesitant to file, simplify your system. 
5.      Refill Supplies.  Get a notebook or app that you write lists on each day.  Setup a pen cup with colorful markers, scissors, etc. 

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