
Friday, December 4, 2020

My 40's Wish List

When I turned 30, I spent that entire year in a deep analysis of my life.  I was excited about my age and determined to make the most of it.  I came up with a specific set of outcomes I wanted to achieve in that decade.  10 years later as I reflected back, I realized that I achieved every single one of them.  

Turning 40 didn't set me into such a deep state of analysis.  I was more at ease with it, yet not so excited.  Sitting here now turning 41 today, I feel that sense of excitement about the life I will create.  I'm having fun coming up with my next decade wish list.  

  • Love - My husband and I get closer, our relationship even stronger, and we make each other feel adored daily.
  • Parenthood - My children are empowered to reach for their dreams and feel supported in achieving them.  They are encouraged to soak up the goodness of life.
  • Abundance - I continue to experience the absolute abundance I achieved in my 30's and expand even further.  This time, I feel freedom and empowered by it, rather than controlled and limited by it.  
  • Wellbeing - I feel well, full of energy, and inspired daily.  If not, I get there first.
  • Relationships - I build thoughtful, caring friendships with those around me.  I have dear, great friends who feel my thoughtfulness and support deeply.  
  • Education - I finish my Bachelor's, or at least am well on my way to doing so.  I always continue learning and sharing what I learn.  
  • Impact - I provide tools and services that empower others to make progress.  I share progress and inspiration with others.
One of the biggest lessons I've learned so far is that focusing on what I want (rather than constantly thinking about what I don't want) is not only a better experience, it's powerful.  Here's to my best decade yet!

Love, Dani

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